Sunday, February 13, 2011

Great News!!!

I am so happy!  Oasis Rockport is now officially open for business online at !!!   There will be a lot more available at our new gallery in Rockport.  We will be open this spring on Bearskin Neck!  Stay tuned here for all the details about our grand opening event.  I will keep you updated with all new developments.  I have been looking into some special events for this spring too.  As soon as the details are finalized I will let you all know about them.  And if that wasn't already a lot of news, I am putting together some photo tours!!  I will post a schedule soon.  If you would like to know about these events before they are posted, send your email to and I will make sure you are on the early notice list.  I anticipate the tours will fill up quick so the earlier you register the better! 

Spring is right around the corner and what an exciting spring it will be...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Turning the corner into springtime...

Well, Groundhog Day has now come and gone.  And he predicted an early Spring.  So far he is right.  We have seen temperatures in the mid-40's here in New England.  The snow, which has been extensive this year, is finally melting.  The sun is shining a bit warmer, the days are definitely getting longer.  We are now hearing the word "rain" in our weather forecasts.  I am anxious to see the trees come back to life, but there is a little bit of a wait before that will happen!  I have, however, gone out early in the morning and seen some pretty spectacular sunrises.  Take a look and enjoy...

A chilly wind and temps down around 18 degrees did nothing to keep me from a beautiful winter's dawn...

Another morning, I was treated to a fiery display in the sky... a storm was moving in and the old sailor's saying proved true... red sky in morning, sailors take warning...

The clouds reminded me of wings spread wide ... almost like a phoenix up in the sky...
The sun rose up over the horizon in beautiful yellows and golds, making an appearance before the clouds took over from the impending storm... I felt so grateful that I could experience this sunrise before the rain started to fall from the sky...

Stay tuned... I will post more soon.  Smile at the little things today.  It will make your mood light and happy  :-)